One of the physical consequences of aging is your body’s persistence in holding on to excess fat bulges that reside in certain areas. For women, they are the hips, tummy, and back; for men, the abdomen and flanks. Or maybe you have been successful in losing a significant amount of weight through bariatric surgery or a disciplined diet and exercise regimen, but need some help eliminating those remaining fat pads.
Art Plastic Surgery offers body contouring procedures designed to eliminate stubborn fat. These operations are time tested and designed to help our patients achieve their aesthetic goals.
For decades people worldwide have been looking to liposuction to sculpt their body into the shape they have been working toward through working out and eating right. With stubborn fat accumulating in areas like the shoulders, back, love handles, breasts, abdomen, and hips, board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. John Cozzone and Dr. Luis Zapiach are like artists when shaping your body into its best shape possible.
Although a surgical procedure, liposuction technology is considered minimally invasive with short incisions and minimal downtime and recovery.
Mommy Makeover
Mothers who want to regain their youthful figure have this body shaping option explicitly designed for them. A mommy makeover is a combination of body contouring procedures that rejuvenate pre-pregnancy outlines by lifting and firming up the breast area while tightening the abdominal wall. Although other procedures can be implemented like an arm lift; breast enhancements and abdominoplasty are the most common solutions employed in this operation.
Because having children may upset a woman’s shapely outline, combining strategic body contouring procedure can bring back her youthful, sensual silhouette. A mastopexy (breast lift) can return elevations to that upward curve with her nipples rising above the breast crease. A breast augmentation will restore size and firmness often necessary after volume loss.
A tummy tuck is for the abdominal area, which resolves excess, sagging skin, and fat. By reinforcing the abdominal wall and repositioning the belly button, a taut, firm tummy can recharge a woman’s confidence and self-esteem.
Post Weight Loss
Throughout New Jersey and America, many individuals are losing considerable weight. This feat is not only healthy but will go a long way to increase their self-esteem. Because skin naturally loses its support system with collagen and elastin depletion over time, the skin may not drape over the new body contour after weight loss. This issue causes problems with sagging skin, which is unsightly and uncomfortable.
Choosing popular post-weight-loss procedures can make a big difference in improving the quality of life for these patients who have worked so hard to lose significant weight. These procedures include a thigh lift, lower body lift, and an arm lift. Once our surgeon eliminates excess skin and persistent fat pads, the patient can not only enjoy their newfound body outline; they can wear clothes fashionably and comfortably.
Next Step
If you are considering cosmetic surgery to improve your figure, Art Plastic Surgery offers multiple procedures to give you the results you want. Our board-certified plastic surgeons have the training and the expertise to help you attain the aesthetic goals you have set for yourself. Contact us today to schedule a discreet and informative consultation.
Call (201) 251-6622 or contact us today