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What You Need to Know About Laser Skin Resurfacing Recovery

Laser skin resurfacing treatments are a great way to diminish acne scars, treat sun-damaged and sagging skin, and even address certain types of surgery scars. However, while the intense pulsed light from a laser beam is an effective method of stimulating collagen growth, you’ll need to treat your skin more carefully after the treatment. If you’re interested in or are preparing for a laser skin resurfacing procedure, here are some important facts you should keep in mind regarding the recovery process.

How Long Does a Full Recovery Take?

The full recovery from a skin resurfacing procedure can vary greatly — often spanning from a week to up to a month, depending on the intensity of the laser treatment and the individual’s skin response. For example, ablative laser resurfacing, known for its deeper penetration into the skin layer to target minor facial flaws and stimulate new collagen growth, may require a longer healing process.


In contrast, non-ablative laser resurfacing, which targets the outer layers of the skin to promote new skin cell development without removing the top layers, offers a shorter recovery time. During this period, the treated area begins to heal, unveiling new skin that boasts improved texture and tone, while the body’s natural processes work diligently to replace damaged skin cells with fresh, vibrant ones.

Following Your Laser Skin Resurfacing Procedure, 

Be Sure to Avoid the Sun

After your laser skin resurfacing procedure, avoiding sun exposure is essential for protecting the sensitivity of your newly treated skin. Laser therapy, by design, makes the skin more vulnerable to UV rays, which can exacerbate skin discoloration and sun damage and undermine the treatment’s effectiveness. 


Sunlight can be particularly detrimental during the healing process, as it can lead to an uneven skin tone and potentially reduce the overall quality of the skin resurfacing results. Therefore, wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen and seeking shade are not just recommendations — they are vital aspects of post-treatment care to maintain the aesthetic surgery’s achievements and ensure the longevity of the skin’s enhanced appearance.

Stay Away From Makeup

Applying makeup immediately after undergoing laser resurfacing is advised against for several reasons. The treatment area, being sensitive and in a state of recovery, is susceptible to irritation and infection. Makeup can clog the pores of the healing skin, trapping bacteria and delaying the skin’s natural healing process. 


Additionally, the chemicals and fragrances found in cosmetics may react adversely with the treated skin, leading to further irritation or allergic reactions. For these reasons, patients are encouraged to allow the skin to breathe and heal, keeping the treated area clean and free from any potential contaminants that could compromise the recovery and desired outcomes of the laser skin resurfacing recovery.

Plan for a Week of Rest

Partaking in rigorous physical activity post-laser skin resurfacing can interrupt the delicate healing process. Exercise that elevates the body’s temperature can lead to increased swelling, redness, and discomfort in the treated areas. Moreover, sweating can irritate the skin, introducing bacteria to sensitive spots, which heightens the risk of infection and prolongs the healing process. 


It’s important to give the body ample time to recover by avoiding activities that could stress the skin or disrupt the natural course of healing. Allowing for gentle recovery ensures the treated area remains clean and undisturbed, fostering an environment conducive to the regeneration of skin cells and the successful integration of the new skin texture and tone.

Use a Cold Compress When Necessary

Applying a cold compress to your skin can ease the mild discomfort that a procedure can sometimes cause. This simple yet effective method helps to reduce swelling and alleviate the burning sensation that some patients experience following the treatment. The coolness of the compress provides immediate relief to the treated skin, making the recovery period more comfortable. 


In addition, this practice can assist in minimizing inflammation and speeding up the healing process, allowing for a smoother transition to the unveiling of rejuvenated skin. As a result, using a cold compress in your post-care routine will ensure that your pursuit of perfect skin remains as pain-free as possible.

If You’re Interested in Laser Skin Resurfacing, Call Our Team Today!

Want to experience the transformative effects of laser skin resurfacing? Then reach out to Art Plastic Surgery. Our professionals in laser skin resurfacing in Paramus, NJ, as well as chemical peels and a variety of other cosmetic procedures to help patients look their very best. To learn more about laser skin resurfacing and if you’re a good fit for the treatment, call us today.
